Plus Size Woman in Lingerie Holding Her Belly

Lose the weight and gain the confidence with Queendom Health and Wellness.

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Ask me about HSA FSA reimbursement options

Welcome,Sis! I'm Amber!

I'm the go-to gal for millennial ladies who want to ditch yo-yo dieting, conquer mental obstacles, and shed pounds without breaking a sweat.

What Makes My Program Different?

With a sea of online programs out there, it's a real head-scratcher to know which one to pick. I've been there, done that, and got the T-shirt. What sets QHW apart is that it's not just another cookie-cutter program. It's a community built around my personal weight-loss struggles and experiences. As a women's weight-loss coach and social worker, I wanted to create a safe space where we could all feel comfortable in our own skin, without judgment. QHW isn't just about shedding pounds, it's about finding your inner warrior and building a supportive tribe of like-minded ladies. If you're tired of letting yourself down, join us at QHW and let's kick some butt together!

Empower Yourself with Queendom Health & Wellness (QHW)

Do you find yourself struggling to keep your promises to yourself? Are you ready to prioritize your physical and mental health for a change? Look no further – you've come to the right place! As your personal health coach and cheerleader, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Queendom Health & Wellness (QHW).

I designed QHW to be everything I wish I had during my own weight loss journey: a supportive community, mental and emotional guidance, and accountability. Women at any stage of their healthy lifestyle journey are welcome, whether they're just starting out or maintaining their progress. Don't hesitate to reach out to me for more information on how we can work together to overcome the obstacles holding you back from your best self.

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Membership Includes:

  • Get pumped with Group Coaching and a cheering squad of fellow go-getters.
  • Tailored Macros that shift every 10 pounds lost so you slay those goals.
  • Keto/Low Carb Start Guide: Think grocery list, recipes, pro tips, and foods to dodge.
  • Client Profile: Monthly updates with progress graphs, BMI shifts, and average weekly loss.
  • Monthly 15-min Consultation: One-on-one time with me to discuss your progress.
  • Bonus! Free 30-minute Initial Consultation (within the first 30 days of membership)
  • 14 Day Money Back Guarantee: If you're not jumping for joy, I'll refund your investment.
Ask me about HSA FSA reimbursement options
Diverse Body Positivity

Upcoming Challenges

Click the Challenge Title to Register.


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Are you ready to transform yourself?


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